
Goodnight my love Remember me as you fall to sleep Fill your pockets with the dust and the memories That rises from the shoes on my feet I won't be back here Though we may meet again I know it's dark outside Don't be afraid Everytime I ever cried from fear Was just a mistake that I made Wash yourself in your tears And build your church On the strength of your faith Please Listen to me Don't let go Don't let this desperate moonlight leave me With your empty pillow Promise me the sun will rise again I too am tired now Embracing thoughts of tonight's dreamless sleep My head is empty My toes are warm I am safe from harm...

Thursday, November 30, 2023


 its been fine honestly. 

tomorrow is the big day and if my parents find out i will kill myself actually. 

anyway i am listening to metal and i am trying to manifest something to write about. i get ideas when im praying the rosary but im afraid that if i interrupt my prayer i will cause God to smite me.

i finally finished my designs and as i said i will be going tomorrow then on the 6th. no plans for the weekend. im not gonna drink because bad for the healing. sad! i wanted to drink to the point of vomiting blood.

i watched napoleon. i find it sad. poor man was genuinely autistic probably. i think this is the case for most of the men who have wanted to conquer the world. the case with men who try to invade russian territory. its a banal and pointless persuit. i cant imagine these people lay on their deathbeds and are happy with themselves and what theyve done. 

argh! i dont know im braindead today.

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