on twitter some days ago i found that lilly collins (of to the bone which is an awful movie and emily in paris which is an even more awful series with which i have fond memories of) has decided to rent a surrogate mother in order to have her first child. some of the comments were of interest to me.
people defending lilly for her choice since she had been an anorexic for much of her youth apparently and was likely to be suffering from infertility because of it. bof.
i find it interesting how people view rights, themselves, families, etc. i find it particularly funny how a womans bodily sanctity (and i dont mean this as in sacred, necessarily. i mean it more in a sense that the reason why it would be wrong to pay for a woman to be pregnant only for you to buy the child is inherently satanic vibes and off in every sense, it infringes on something more intangible and holistic, more so than stealing someones car or vandalizing their home) can be squashed for money as long as shes poor and the solicitor is rich (many such cases).
why would collins previous fight with anorexia justify the breaking and entering on another womans body. mental disturbances such as anorexia are obviously hell. as an anorexic myself who has for too long suffered from the consequences i can obviously sympathize with the specific rotting, scalping feeling of anorexia or any eating disorder. but why would my suffering which, lets be honest, i brought upon myself in a way (maybe not me but my own stubborness and apathy or self loathing, you know what i mean) entitle me to someone elses womb and child. this is not a think piece its just my brain being scrambled. would i be too busy navel gazing to face the cruelty of the industry and the brutality i financed.
i think its an attitude i find within myself and see within a lot of people who have suffered. thinking on
why do people feel entitled to children? i dont think anorexics or previous anorexics have any business being moms. family building should be a privilege. who knows what a mess.
could that be it? is collins stupid. i dont know. super gross behavior.
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